Monthly Archives: May 2018

5/2/18 Class Reflection

I’m glad that we spent the last day of class doing a quick review of everything we’ve covered. Looking back on the course, I consumed plenty of useful, interesting information that I’m grateful to have learned because I’ve reflected on courses in the past and didn’t feel as full of knowledge as I do with this one. I really enjoyed getting a fast-paced refresher on everything, I think it really did the class a favor. My favorite piece of knowledge I received would be popular music being heavily compressed because I was unaware of this or what the recording process is capable of besides auto-tune. I got a behind-the-scenes look at the recording process and I’m happy to share what I’ve learned with others though a lot may roll their eyes because they’ll think I’m being unnecessarily critical and that I’m trying to ruin their listening experience but it’s worth acknowledging. I liked hearing examples of how compression was at work as well and I could detect it this way. The historical information was beneficial as well but the discussions regarding recording really drew me in and I appreciated that the most. I didn’t think at any point that the professor was wrong or “off” about anything or had outdated thoughts and ideas. I think a lot of the things students may disagree with him on would be just because they don’t want to hear it, such as listening to music being an activity that isn’t intended to be coupled with another activity and I feel he discouraged us from multi-tasking in the presence of music. I can see both sides of that argument and it’s mainly differences between different generations but no one’s wrong, I think it’s the preference of that individual. It’s important to be willing to hear out other people and learn to respect what they have to say and I had no issues with anything I was introduced to, I have no arguments. I’m thankful that this class made me think and that I can spread the facts that not everyone will receive well or appreciate like I did but it doesn’t matter because all that does is that I gained something.